Does conventional wisdom blind you?
Miles & Associates is a nascent firm and as such is small. Very small. Conventional wisdom may tell you to hire a large firm to work for you, in order to better protect your rights and your money. Who really does the work in a large firm? You will undoubtedly see the experienced people during the interview and during the sales process, but will they work for you? Will you even meet the people doing your work?
At Miles & Associates you get what you see, over 30 years of experience in architecture and construction. You will be served by the same person who interviews you, the same person will do the large and the small. We all (or should) know how important the small, everyday tasks can be. At Miles & Associates, the same experience does it all and for you. Mundane but important. We view it all as the “Art of Construction”.
On a journey of continuous improvement.
Miles & Associates